Reggie still hasn't figured out who is that little person who keeps making noise and occupying our attention, but he does know that she has lots of cool stuff. Case in point: the stroller.

The Reverend Jerry Falwell died on Tuesday of this week. Some of you who are my age or younger may not know who the Reverend Falwell was or why he is important enough to be mentioned. In 1979, Falwell founded the Moral Majority, a political action group for conservative Evangelicals and Baptists. He also founded Liberty University and served as pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church for 48 years.
Reverend Falwell was known for making blunt statements regarding his faith and the direction toward which he believed our society should steer. In 2001 he suggested that the attacks on September 11th were God’s vengeance on America for gays, feminists and the ACLU. He later apologized for those particular remarks, but he made others throughout the years that to some were just as divisive and harsh.
It should come as no surprise that a man who was o polarizing in life would also be somewhat so in death. The Minneapolis Star Tribune ran an editorial that spoke about Falwell’s legacy of division, to which one reader responded:
It was with shock, and dismay, that I read your May 16 editorial, and cartoon, concerning Jerry Falwell. Agree with him or not, this was a man who did what preachers do. He railed against what he believed was sin, and preached that repentance from it would bring salvation. When he decided to enter the political arena, he knew, in advance, that he would be met with vicious opposition, such as your own. In spite of that, he did what he felt God wanted him to do, and willingly took the abuse from his opponents.
Upon his passing, one would think that even his detractors would grudgingly admit that he was a man who fought the good fight for what he believed. You can imagine my revulsion, then, when I saw that, even in his death, you couldn't pass up another chance to denigrate him and what he stood for.
Now I’ll be honest: I don’t know if I ever agreed with the Reverend Falwell when he issued a public statement on anything. I certainly felt that at times his ministry was more harmful than helpful. There were times when I was very much annoyed with the Reverend Jerry Falwell, just like the writer of the letter to the editor was very much annoyed with how the Star Tribune portrayed the Reverend Falwell. But I also know that Jerry Falwell and I had one thing in common: we both confessed that “Jesus is Lord and Savior of the world.” And like it or not, very much annoyed or not, when Jerry Falwell said that “Jesus is Lord,” well, I agreed with him, because he was speaking the truth.
Paul knew something about being very much annoyed when someone was speaking the truth. In today’s reading from Acts, he and Silas were on their way to a prayer meeting in Philippi when they were interrupted by a very annoying spirit who was speaking the truth: “These men are slaves of the Most High God, who proclaim to you a way of salvation!” Luke, the writer of Acts, tells us that “this went on for many days.”
“These men are slaves of the Most High God, who proclaim to you a way of salvation!”
“These men are slaves of the Most High God, who proclaim to you a way of salvation!”
“These men are slaves of the Most High God, who proclaim to you a way of salvation!”
“These men are slaves of the Most High God, who proclaim to you a way of salvation!”
The message was the truth, but the messenger was annoying. Thank goodness that doesn’t happen very often in the church, huh?
There are a number of things that annoy me about these few short verses of Acts 16. First, Paul allowed a spirit to control this woman for several days after his first encounter with her: shouldn’t compassion have compelled Paul to heal her at the first opportunity? Secondly, when Paul did heal this woman, it was his annoyance with the spirit that drove the healing, not Paul’s concern for the woman’s well-being: again, where was Paul’s compassion for the sick? Thirdly, after the woman was healed, she disappeared from the story entirely: We don’t know what happened to her. We don’t know if she was able to find a new way to care for herself. We don’t know if she became a follower of Jesus. All we know is that she was annoying, but she spoke the truth: Paul and Silas were slaves of the Most High God, and they were proclaiming to the people a way of salvation. Very annoying or not, this woman spoke the truth.
God can accomplish astonishing things when God’s very annoying people speak the truth. In Isaiah 20, God’s people were planning a war, but God said “No.” To make God’s word clear, Isaiah marched naked around Jerusalem for three years as a sign of what would happen if the people went to war.[1] In Jeremiah 13, God sent Jeremiah to tell the people that God could no longer be proud of the people. To make the point, Jeremiah bought a new pair of undergarments, wore them every day without washing them, then buried them in the wet river sand. Later, he dug them up, strapped them on and shouted that this is what had happened to the people who once were God’s pride.[2] In Luke 7, even Jesus grew annoyed by one of God’s very annoying people. Jesus was trying to quietly eat a meal in a house in the region of Tyre, but a Gentile woman found out he was there and pressed Jesus to heal her daughter. “Let the children be fed first,” said Jesus, “for it is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.” Jesus must have been tremendously annoyed to say something like that. But the woman persisted by reminding Jesus that even the dogs get to eat the scraps that fall off the table, and Jesus, astonished, healed the woman’s daughter.
Paul and Silas encountered this annoying woman who told the truth about who they were and what they were doing. Because of that truth, and through Paul’s impatience and annoyance, God would soon be doing astonishing things yet again. We read that Paul and Silas were arrested, attacked by a crowd, stripped naked, beaten with rods and thrown into prison, all because they had deprived the slave girl’s owners of their means of making money off of her demonic possession. Never mind the injustice of these men profiting from the slave girl’s disability: when the church crosses swords with those who seek to keep unjust systems in place, this is what happens.[3] But here the astonishment begins.
Paul and Silas were beaten soundly by an anti-Jewish crowd, though they were Roman citizens and thus exempt from such punishment. But rather than complain and fight, the writer of Acts tells us that Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God about midnight – and their fellow prisoners were listening to them. Can you imagine the intrigue these two men must have created in their fellow prisoners? Who would pray and sing to God after being treated so horribly because of their faith in that same God? Then came the earthquake: the loosing of their chains, the opening of the jail doors, and suddenly everyone was free to do as they wished. And they wished to stay put – not just Paul and Silas, but their fellow prisoners as well. When the jailer saw what had happened, he prepared to kill himself, because he was certain that the prisoners had all escaped and he would be held responsible. But Paul said, “Do not harm yourself, for we are all here!” Not “we are here,” meaning Paul and Silas, but “we are all here,” meaning all the prisoners. An entire Roman jail, full of men who were likely awaiting some horrible punishment for their crimes, stayed in their cells rather than running for the hills. The Bible doesn’t tell us why they stayed, but I’d like to hazard a guess. I say they stayed because they, like Paul and Silas, were now slaves to the Most High God, from whom they had received a way of salvation. I say that the astonishing thing that happened that day in the Philippi prison wasn’t the earthquake: I say the astonishing thing that happened that day was the miracle of faith given to these prisoners, to stay when they could have run. I say the astonishing thing was the conversion of the jailer, who invited Paul and Silas to baptize his entire family. I say the astonishing thing was that by the end of the story, the prisoners, Paul, Silas and the jailer are in bondage to God, a joyful bondage that is stronger than any Roman chain could ever be.
All of this comes about because of one very annoying slave girl who told the truth. God took a flawed vessel and used her flaw to speak the truth, healing her of that flaw in the process. Could the same be true for us? Could the annoying people around us who speak the truth be doing God’s work? Could astonishing things happen through the annoying people in our lives? Could we be the annoying people through whom astonishing things happen? All things are possible for God – and we pray, not that we might be astonishing, or that we might not be annoying, but that God would give us eyes to see clearly in either case.
[1] The Lutheran Handbook, © 2005 by Augsburg Fortress. Kristofer Skrade and James Satter, ed. p., 160.
[2] Ibid., p. 161.
[3] Bishop Roy Riley said this at the NWMN Synod Assembly in 2004. Though I don’t think Paul and Silas were purposely “crossing swords” by healing the slave girl (remember, they were annoyed after several days of hearing her, not offended at her slavery and possession from the start), the statement is true: when the church stands up to unjust systems, the system often punishes the church for its prophetic speech.
Did you know that the major purpose for forming a non-profit, RevGalBlogPals, Inc., was to be able to attract grant support for a large scale RevGalBlogPal meetup? My dream from the beginning has been attracting financial support that would allow as many of our bloggers to be together as possible.
RGBP, Inc. now has a planning committee, and we are in the early stages of planning the RevGalBlogPal Big Event. What, When, Where and Who are all on the table at the moment. In that spirit, I bring you the Big Event Friday Five.
There was this girl I dated in college who talked a lot. I mean a
At first all that listening was endearing. After all, we were young, she was beautiful and I was infatuated. A guy will do almost anything at that stage in a relationship. But after a month or so I started feeling like I ought to be doing more during these conversations. Up to this point my only contribution had been making sure I kept my mouth closed while wolfing down my Whopper with cheese. I did offer the occasional one-word response: "Cool." "Uh-huh." "No way!" But those are the conversational equivalent of kicking your leg when the doctor taps your knee with the little hammer – it's a reflex, nothing more.
So I started talking back. That's when the trouble started. The thing is, I wanted to add to the conversation – get my two cents in, that sort of thing. So I started commenting on everything she was saying. So-and-so kept chomping her gum in statistics? Maybe my friend could kindly ask her to stop. People keep pulling Professor Whats-his-name off topic? Maybe my friend could steer him back to the subject with a pointed question about the day's topic. Pretty soon our conversations consisted of her telling me things and me telling her how to fix those things, and as you can imagine, that didn't last long.
One day she'd had enough. "Scott, I’m not asking for your help here – I'm just telling you what's going on." It wasn't opinion that she wanted: it was a listening ear, to know that she was with someone who listened eagerly to her and paid attention to what was going on in her life. She wanted connection, companionship, a feeling that we were in tune with each other – and all I wanted was a cute girl to make me look like I was a guy who could get a cute girl. It wasn't much longer before that cute girl and I weren't dating anymore.
Listening eagerly is an art form, and it might be one of the most difficult to develop. Four years into ordained ministry, I'm still learning to listen well. How does listening play a part in your faith? Where does the ability to listen eagerly come into the faith you've been given? When God is telling you what's going on, are you telling God how you can help?
This video by Rob Bell talks about listening well, listening eagerly, listening to heal – let's watch now and we'll talk about it when it's done.
What do you hear when you hear about God? What does God’s word whisper in your ear? Are you listening to prove that you’re right, or are you listening to heal and be healed? Rob Bell talks about the song we sing and how we can be in tune with the song – has the music of God’s word ever spoken so deeply to you that you just felt that everything was right? If so, then I think you had a moment where you listened to heal.
Our reading from Revelation this morning talks about the leaves of the tree of paradise coming forth “for the healing of the nations.” For God, heaven isn’t about getting a right theology or having the right doctrine: for God, heaven is where the nations are healed and everyone lives in the presence of God. Heaven isn’t where everyone gets what they want: heaven is where everyone becomes what God meant for us to be. Heaven is where we stop listening to judge, listening to fix, listening to condemn. Heaven is where we listen eagerly, to heal and be healed.
In our reading from Acts, Lydia is described as a “worshiper of God.” In the New Testament, this meant that she was a Gentile who believed in the God of Israel, someone who found a spiritual kinship with the Jews. When she came to hear Paul down by the river in Philippi, she heard something, a word or a promise or something that she’d never heard before. The writer of the book of Acts says that she “listened eagerly” to what Paul was saying, and what Paul said brought her healing. Jesus said that the Spirit would come to help us learn and remember everything Jesus taught us, and so it does. Here where the Word speaks to us, where we hear the song of God’s creation and strive to be in tune with that song, we are healed by listening to God’s word. We are made whole by the promises God makes to us, washed over in our baptism and brought into relationship with a God who loves us passionately. Where this word of God is heard, where this song of God’s creation is sung, we are drawn into the life of Christ and made whole through what we hear. The Spirit given to the disciples has been given to us, and now, like Lydia, we have the ears to listen eagerly to God’s Word, to be healed by the fruit it produces in us. Let us pray:
Almighty God, grant that we, who have been redeemed from our old life of sin by our baptism into the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ, may be renewed in your Holy Spirit to live in righteousness and holiness. Like your servant Lydia, help us to hear with eager ears the message of healing and salvation given to us through the help of the Spirit, who calls, gathers, enlightens and sanctifies us in true faith. Bless the nations of this world with a foretaste of the healing that is to come in the day when your kingdom shall come. All this we pray in the name of Christ Jesus, our risen Lord. Amen.
From ReverendMother over at RevGalBlogPals: There are two types of people in the world, morning people and night owls. Or Red Sox fans and Yankees fans. Or boxers and briefs. Or people who divide the world into two types of people and those who don't. Let your preferences be known here. And if you're feeling verbose, defend your choices!1. Mac? (woo-hoo!) or PC? (boo!)