Hi there - remember me?
In the time since we've last been together, I turned 36. Thirty-freaking-six. This is not a complaint - this is reality landing on my head. I am fully and completely, 100% an adult now. I actually have been for some time, but the combination of kids/age/working with actual college students/starting to go bald just hit me harder this year. Again - not complaining, just amazed. From here on out, I'm going to be living in an age I can remember my parents occupying.
So, then, to commemorate the occasion, here's a list of six sixes for 36. These are by no means comprehensive, they are rather the scattered thoughts of a frazzled husband, father and preacher who is having the time of his life (for the most part).
Six People (or groups of people) Who Mean The World To Me
1. Beloved - natch.
2. The Sisters - you get one spot because I don't want to put one of you in front of the other.
3. My Brothers, Brian & Kevin - see above.
4. My Parents, Alan & Eunice - see above above.
5. The Cape Cod Boys and everyone connected with the Cape Cod "Gang" (You know who you are)
6. Anyone who's ever spent a summer working at Carol Joy Holling Camp in Ashland, NE.
Six Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1. Take Beloved to Europe for a major anniversary trip, and while on that trip drink a pint of Guinness in Dublin and a pint of dunkelbier at the Kartoffelhaus in Lutherstadt-Wittenberg, Germany.
BRAN. (Fun fact: My uncle rode BRAN a few years ago and rode through our hometown on his 50th birthday. I think that's just cool)
3. Go to the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite and Glacier National Parks with the kids.
4. Own a motorcycle.
5. Qualify for Boston (hey, I didn't say I WILL do it, just that I WANT to...)
6. Publish a novel (see above).
Six Books I Plan To Read Very Soon
1. Rabbit, Run by John Updike.
2. The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner.
3. Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
4. The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
5. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
6. Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger
Six Things I Want To Do Around The House This Summer
1. Repair the drywall and replace the light fixture in the downstairs bedroom.
2. Tear down, move and rebuild the storage shed in the back yard.
3. Prepare a garden for next year.
4. Build a new gate for the west entrance to the backyard.
5. Paint the dining room table and chairs.
6. Install a "work sink" in the basement.
Six Bloggers Who've Inspired Me
Jules. Our family and hers are occupying a similar reality separated by approximately eight months (I think). She's been a good friend and internet shoulder throughout.
Tripp. Dude is the most Lutheran AngloBaptist I know. Also, he likes celtic music and plays in a band. Pretty cool.
Gordon Atkinson. I remember someone mentioning, "Hey, you should check out this guy who writes at reallivepreacher.com sometime - he's a Baptist, but he gets this ministry gig." And how. How can you not love a writer who dreams about Martin Luther, Canned Soup and Diet Coke?
Jan Edmiston. The most consistently valuable blogger - Jan is "here" every day, and always chewing on something worthwhile. The fact that she's a Lost fan is just a nice bonus.
CoffeePastor. Protestant pastor/philosopher who likes coffee, college football and reading good books. Need I say more?
Chris Duckworth. East Coast Lutheran who loves politics, baseball and talking about grace and faith. Kind of a nice, Lutheran, Democratic-leaning George Will? *
Six Great Places/Things/Whatever That You Might Not Know About
1. The Cafe, Ames, IA
This has rapidly become our favorite restaurant here in Ames. The Cafe offers incredibly good food, fast, friendly service and ridiculously reasonable prices. We are blessed with some good restaurants for a college town this size, but for our money the Cafe is head and shoulders above the rest.
2. "Once"
"Falling Slowly" won the Oscar for Best Song a few years back, but I'm still as impressed by this movie the longer out we are from it. This is a beautiful little indie film that feels about as real as it gets.
3. The Fargo Marathon
My first marathon was in Fargo in 2006. I have yet to have a race experience to rival it. The town turns itself out for this race, whether you're doing the half or the full, and you always end your run on the big screen inside the Fargodome. If you're a runner in the midwest, this is worth your time and training.
4. Every Day Should Be Saturday
Not for the faint of heart or small of mind, and most certainly not for children. But it's a rare day when something on this awesome college football blog doesn't reduce me to snorting coffee out my nose.
5. Almond Bark Espresso Peanut Butter Fudge
Well, according to our babysitter, that last ingredient isn't in there - it's just what her concoction most resembles when she's done. Basically, you melt Almond Bark, mix in peanut butter and ground espresso beans, pour into a cooling dish and enjoy sweet caffeinated goodness when it's set up. Nummers.
6. Timberpine Lodge Bed & Breakfast, Adel, IA
Beloved and I stayed there last summer to celebrate our 5th anniversary. Lovely secluded B&B with a friendly staff and good coffee. The jacuzzi tub is a definite bonus.
So, that's the story a week out from 36. See you next year for something completely different.
Grace & peace,