Church Stuff
27 February 2011
23 February 2011
13 February 2011
Sermon for the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany - "God-Centered Life"
I hung a BC comic strip on the door of my study at my last call, in Minnesota. When we moved, I accidentally ripped it in half, and without thinking I just threw it away. Now I can’t find it online, but I remember that it said, “ser-mon: An inspired message directed mainly at those who are not in attendance.” It’s been informing how I preach ever since I first read it, laughed out loud, and then winced.
03 February 2011
2011 Books: The Gathering Storm and Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
Eleven years ago I fell in love one long, hot summer.
FW was away at her second round of Army Reserve training, and I was working for the summer on the grounds crew at Luther Seminary. No classes, just hours upon hours riding a lawnmower, moving sprinklers and the like. Work was done every afternoon at 4:30, which left a lot of daylight hours to fill. On a whim, due to the advice of a friend, I picked up The Eye of the World, the first book of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. Within a few pages, I knew I'd found something really, really wonderful. I spent many of that summer's late afternoons on an old wooden church folding chair outside our apartment, smoking cigarettes and devouring the first few books in the series.
02 February 2011
Minnesota Blogger Con-Fab Thingy (In Which I Forget Proper Documentation, But Consume 1X1023g Saturated Fat. YUM)
I'm a good blogger, I'm a bad blogger. But you knew this already.
2011 Books: The Inextinguishable Symphony by Martin Goldsmith
My goodness, am I ever on a roll for books this year. First Driftless by David Rhodes, now The Inextinguishable Symphony: A True Story of Music and Love in Nazi Germany by Martin Goldsmith. Both are books you should read (or hear, if you're doing audiobooks like me) soon.