Church Stuff
28 September 2014
16 September 2014
Five Days of Thankfulness, Day 2
My sister-in-law tagged me to do the Five Days of Thankfulness thing. Going to do it each day this week. I'm not going to tag anyone else - you get to be thankful if you choose, and to express that thankfulness if you choose. I'm easy-going like that.
15 September 2014
Five Days of Thankfulness, Day 1
My sister-in-law called me out on the Five Days of Thankfulness thing on Facebook. Given that this is the sort of thing I used to do here, it seemed like a good chance to return to blogging a bit more regularly. So, here goes.
05 September 2014
On Sports and Faith and Life and Balance
Bruce Feiler wrote a great article a few weeks ago that my friend Erik Ullestad shared in his weekly "Recommended Reads" email from Elbow Co. (link here) Take a few minutes and read what Bruce has to say about sports, faith, and families today, and then come back here for just a bit of me pushing back but also heartily endorsing much of what Bruce says.