Church Stuff

15 February 2006

Ooh, that smell...

This was just too funny not to post here. Consider it more evidence that I am as guilty of prejudice as any other person.

The quilters are meeting at our church today. They met here yesterday, too - a group of about eight women who laugh, cut, tie, stitch, and care for the world through their work. They make a bundle of quilts each year; at least 100, which are sent around the world for people who need warmth. I love the quilting ladies, probably because my grandmothers were both avid quilters and I have several of their blankets at home.

But let's face it - none of this year's quilters are spring chickens. I don't think any of them are younger than 60, most are approaching 70 and I know that at least one is approaching 80. I've been in enough houses, assisted living rooms and nursing homes to know that continence at that age isn't automatic. But remember - this is about my prejudices.

I was walking toward the kitchen to start making treats for tonight's Confirmation class while one of our older quilters was walking toward me. She smiled and kept walking. I smiled and went into the kitchen, when my nose was assaulted by the odor of...sulfur? Rotten eggs? Whatever it was, it was strong, and coming from the route the quilter had followed when walking toward me.

My head instantly went for the gutter, of course. My brother-in-law works in food service and taught me about 'crop-dusting:' farting in someone else's area. The thought of that little old lady cropdusting in the church just gave me the giggles. I actually thought about an article for the Wittenburg Door covering a church's plan to deal with an aging population and the 'issues' that might result from it.

Imagine my chagrin when I opened the door to our utility room and discovered that a floor drain was the culprit. Several pitchers of water later, I think we've 'capped the well,' so to speak. But the odor of my prejudice remains - and it won't wash off so easily. Thanks be to God I've been washed clean in my baptism - can you imagine the stink? :-)



  1. Indeed. If there's any group or demographic over whom I am most prejudiced, it would have to be the elderly. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I didn't have any living grandparents after my junior year of high school.

    It still pains me that I didn't know them - especially my grandfather - in my adult life.


  2. Great story! I've never heard it called Crop Dusting, but it is fun to do at the grocery store. I've never stuck around long enough to watch anyone walk through the cloud except my wife. I'm sure it's not a pretty sight.

