Church Stuff

20 February 2006

To all our friend$ in Lincoln, Nebra$ka...

Deare$t friend$,
Thi$ is ju$t a $hort me$$age to all of you from the frozen north, where we are $truggling to $urvive the colde$t February we can remember. A$ we think of you back home in Nebra$ka, we can't help but $mile a$ we remember how much we love you. It $eem$ like ju$t ye$terday we were la$t together!

It'$ a hard life, the mini$try, filled with day$ of uncertainty and que$tioning - we have $o many concern$ about the operating fund$ for our churche$ and how they will pay our meager $alarie$. $tudent loan$ are al$o a heavy cro$$ to bear, but we are thankful that God ha$ been faithful to u$ by $urrounding u$ with friend$ like you.

There are $o many rea$on$ to be thankful for your friend$hip - I'm $ure I could come up with 356 million in the next 30 year$, or half that in one lump $um right away. It would be a taxing endeavor, for $ure, but being ble$$ed with $uch rich friend$ like you is an occa$ion for $elebration, don't you think? ($p!) By the by, I'm $ure you know that giving away the richne$$ of $uch friend$hip$ i$ not-$o-very taxing, either.

In $ummary, we $olicit your continued love and $upport, and wi$h you all the
riche$t of God'$ ble$$ing$.

$incerely your$,
$cott & Kri$tin


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