Church Stuff

01 May 2006

Missing dates...

I realized this morning that it had to be over a year since I started my first blog on LiveJournal. I realized this because I remembered blogging when Larry Meyer died last April, and Saturday was the one-year anniversary of his death. I checked the archives and realized I missed it by a few weeks - my first blog posting was on 5 April 2005. You can find my previous blog on the links section to your right.

I've really grown to love this little space - it's a chance to keep up with folks near and far, and maybe spread the gospel if God is willing to use me in such a way. In the future I may even add podcasting, but this will be quite a ways down the road. For now, I'm just going to keep on keepin' on for all my fans - I hope all three of you are enjoying yourselves. :-)

Speaking of missing dates, you may remember I posted about calendar abuse and forgetting appointments a few weeks ago. In a somewhat ironic twist, I committed what can only be considered an act of latent PDA-cide last week. I hurried out to my car, running late as usual for our text study meeting in Alexandria. I set my PDA on the roof of my car, opened the door, threw all the stuff in my arms inside, started the car, backed up, and promptly drove over my PDA when it slid off of the roof. *squish* Oops. The only thing the display screen showed me when I tried to power up was the tread of the tires on my car.

So, in the week since I've gone 'unplugged' I've missed two birthdays (one nephew, one best friend), Administrative Professional's Day, and I'm not sure what all else I've forgotten. Of course, having purchased the base model Palm Zire 31 the last time I needed a new PDA, I had to go to eBay to get a replacement - but I did find one, for substantially less than I would have paid for a comparably equipped state o'the art Tungsten. This much, at least, went well. But it would have been much cheaper to replace my coffee mug or a book or something - as usual, the zone of random destruction that surrounds me has eliminated something truly valuable and almost irreplaceable. This is life with Eunie's boy Scott. *sigh*


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