Church Stuff

29 November 2006

Running, Baby, Schedule, Life

I'll confess to a bit of a problem lately - I'm finding it harder and harder to get up in the morning, lace up my shoes, grab one last sip of coffee and head out the door for my easy 3-miler. I've decided that I'm going to start training seriously for the Lincoln Marathon on New Year's Day, so until then my goal is a steady 15 miles and two weight sessions per week. Even this has become hard to accomplish.

It could be due to overscheduling. I'm in this weekend's production of "A Sven & Ole Christmas" at our community theater, and though I always enjoy being part of a play, the time demands are great, especially when we draw close to opening night. The last evening I had at home with no events and no family was Thanksgiving Night, and I don't remember the last one prior to that. Sometime in October, I think. So I'm looking forward to the play this weekend, but a small part of me is also looking forward to some nights at home again.

We have an appointment this morning with our midwife. The doctor who was going to deliver Little Miss is having some health complications, so we're switching to the second person Beloved's nurse practicioner recommended.

I'm getting more and more excited about being a father the closer we get to the delivery day. Shoot - there's two months to go yet! But as I think about it, when you consider Beloved's miscarriage in March and the fast conception that followed, in some ways it seems like she's been pregnant far longer than 40 weeks already. Patience has never been one of my stronger virtues, but now I'm being stretched in ways I never imagined. Just think what it will be like when I have an infant with whom I need to be patient!

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