Church Stuff

14 December 2006

Navel Gazing? Naaah - Novel Uses for Navel Lint!

There are some who will say this whole weblog thing is just an exercise in navel-gazing (ya feel me, Jeremy?) Here's evidence to the contrary, courtesy of Real Live Preacher, his propensity for odd gifts, and a completely twisted individual who obviously knows how to use eBay.

You can't make this stuff up - and I'll warn you, swallow that coffee before you start reading.


  1. Rev,

    I was taking a break from painting scenery backdrops for the kids' Christmas program and checked out your blog...thanks for the warning on not drinking the coffee while checking our rlp's site. =)

    So,, this begs the question...have you placed your bid yet?

  2. I would have, but as much respect as I have for RLP, the bidding has already passed our meager "mad money" threshold.

  3. Wow...bidding's up to $200 with 3 days still left to go.

    Something tells me we may be looking at $1000 or more before it's all said and done...

  4. When you get a chance, go to the ebay listing and check out the questions people have been'll need to scroll to the bottom of the page. My personal favorite so far is whether the lint has been certified kosher and is safe for human consumption by pirates.

  5. Wow, that's not just creative, that's incredibly disgusting. I pray the vial never breaks or that no one's ever sick enough to open it....
