Church Stuff

05 February 2007

A Monday Meme

10 Firsts
1. First best friend: Anthony Brown. We spent every Friday night of our Kindergarten year sleeping over and watching "The Dukes of Hazzard" together.

2. First car: 1977 Buick LeSabre, dark brown with a tan vinyl top. 350 4-barrel engine, crappy tires, but man, she could fly and she was SMOOTH riding...

3. First love: Kelly Ekberg, from preschool at church to around 6th grade or so. I once told my entire family Kelly and I were getting married and we'd have six kids.

4. First vacation: First I can remember was a trip to Fort Robinson in western Nebraska when I was 5 or so.

5. First job: Walking beans for my dad. First job off the farm was a box taper at the M.G. Waldbaum Company, where I taped boxes of eggs & stacked them on pallets. You know, really intellectually invigorating work.

6. First piercing: You mean the pitchfork through my ankle when I was 7? No? Oh, well, then none yet.

7. First concert: Statler Brothers, Devaney Center, Nebraska State Fair, 1980 or so. My brother Brian and I stood on our nosebleed seats and sang every song right along with Harold, Phil, Don & Lew. Do you know you are my sunshine?

8. First record/cd bought: I think it was "Thriller." First one I remember buying was the one by Duran Duran with "Wild Boys" on it.

9. First real love: See question #3.

10. First screen name: Gimli. Yup, I'm a Ringer geek.

9 Latest
1. Latest alcoholic beverage: Sam Adams Boston Lager last night during the Super Bowl.

2. Latest car ride: to the post office & bank this morning.

3. Latest movie watched: Goal! The Dream Begins - fun movie!

4. Latest phone call made: The folks who own the house across the street, to see if we could borrow their laundry machines while our sump pump is getting fixed.

5. Latest jacuzzi bath: Staying at "our" cabin at a resort on the North Shore on our anniversary trip last summer.

6. Latest played cd: Shine by Justin Roth (it's on right now!)

7. Latest time you cried: Last January at my grandmother's funeral.

8. Latest meal: Chicken noodle soup and a roast beef sandwich.

9. Latest curse: Last night when I stubbed my toe on the bassinet for the fifth time this week.

8 Things You Wear
1. Clergy collar
2. blue jeans
3. University of Nebraska gear
4. Dr. Martens boots (brown and black)
5. race t-shirts
6. a "ONE" wristband (like the LIVESTRONG bracelets only for poverty & hunger relief)
7. Burberry cologne (picked out for me by Beloved, so I know she likes it...)
8. adidas running shoes

7 Have You Ever
1. Dated one of your best friends: nope
2. Been arrested: no.
3. Fallen in love at first sight: with my daughter, even though she was covered in blood and other gunk and crying her lungs out
4. Been in a TV program: several times, most notably on a trip to D.C. in senior high and several times when I was in the Nebraska Marching Band.
5. Had your heart broken: to pieces
6. Said you love someone without meaning it: never.
7. Made a prank phone call: do the calls to my prospective sister-in-law from my brother's bachelor party count? (WAZZUP!?!?)

6 Things You’ve Done Today
1. changed several diapers
2. balanced the checkbook
3. read the Sunday and Monday newspapers
4. watched CNN
5. rocked my daughter to sleep
6. picked up the mail and looked at pictures from Ainsley's birth

5 Favorite Things (note: THINGS)
1. Red, my ovation guitar
2. our stereo
3. our laptop
4. iPod
5. television

4 People I Can Tell Anything
1. my wife
2. God
3. my brothers
4. my daughter (she can't talk, so I know it's confidential)

3 Choices
1. Black or white? black
2. Summer or winter? Autumn - cold mornings and crisp leaves on the ground
3. Chocolate or chips? Chocolate chips!

2 things to do Before You Die
1. sit in with Storyhill
2. take a trip to Ireland with my wife

1 Thing You Regret
1. I picked on this kid on our bus route once, mercilessly, for like a week. They didn't have a lot of money or goods, and I don't really know why I did it, but life was hard enough for these folks; they didn't need me piling on...

Something you could happily do an infinite number of times:
Hold my infant daughter while she falls asleep in my arms.

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