Church Stuff

27 March 2007

Baby Ainsley 365: Hangin' with Mom

We had a great day yesterday. Mondays are my day off (quiet, you), so we stayed home with Ainsley. The weather was beautiful - I did my five mile run in shorts and a t-shirt, and also finished in 48:25 while going against the wind both ways (shifting breezes) and working through a number of hills. After lunch I finished reading the Sunday paper and worked on stuff around the house while Beloved took Ainsley for a nice long walk around town in the stroller. She was a bit fussy when they got home but managed to calm down on her own for a nap in the swing.

Just after we snapped this picture, Beloved left for a meeting at her church and Dad & Ainsley had three hours on our own. The first hour was a crying jag - man, does our little girl have some good lungs! After she calmed down & had her evening bottle, I bundled her up and walked down to Roosevelt Hall for auditions for this summer's production, "Inherit the Wind." I think I might get the role I was hoping to get - woot! Ainsley started another crying fit just as I started reading for my part, but my fellow Prairie Wind Players were troopers and kept her occupied while I finished up my audition.

After I finished reading, I chatted with PWP friends for 20 minutes or so with Ainsley asleep in my arms, then we bundled her into the stroller for the walk home. Once we got home, I got her down to sleep before Beloved returned from her meeting. A great day all around.

I've decided to get back to more writing here and less reporting on baby stuff & memes, though I do enjoy that stuff and will continue to do some of them. I'll be posting a writing on wilderness later today and will hopefully be getting back to a weekly reflection now that life with Baby is getting a little more settled. If you're looking for good writing, check out Don't Eat Alone in my blogroll; Milton is a wonderfully talented writer and always has something thought-provoking to say.


  1. Do people tell you that Ainsley looks like you? Because I can definitely see it in this picture.

    Poor kid ;)

  2. Yeah, poor kid indeed. At least she doesn't have my facial hair. :-)
