Church Stuff

12 April 2007

Brian's Thursday Three

As the school year begins to wind down, I always wonder what my students will think of 1st grade in the future. What will they remember? What will they remember about me?

For this week's Thursday Three, list three things about yourself that you want others to remember.
1. Passion - God has given me the great gift of life, and I want to live it fully. Why be a part of something if you're only going to be half-way dedicated to it?

2. Authenticity & Integrity - I know that's two things, but they are somewhat related. As I look at the culture in which I live, one of the most infuriating aspects of it is the continual parsing of statements and "framing" of issues; in my opinion, window-dressing that has become more important than the content of one's speech or character. I am who I am and I say what I say because I believe it. You can certainly disagree, and I could certainly be wrong, but let's have the cojones to at least be real and speak the truth to each other. I should note that this is one for which I have been working for quite some time, as I was neither authentic nor a man of integrity for a large portion of my life. It is a growth area for me, one which I hope is developing into a real ministry strength.

3. Family Man - Beloved was confronted (kindly) by a youth committee member last night for rescheduling a Bible study while we are away in Nebraska in a few weeks. I think she handled it beautifully; she made it absolutely clear that our family time together was more important than our professional obligations, and that when they come into conflict occasionally, the family will always win the day. We are united in this, as we are in most things, and I hope she treasures that in me as much as I do in her.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more about the authenticity and integrity. Wouldn't life be better if we could all disagree a little more, instead of pretending and then tearing the person down behind their back?
