Church Stuff

28 June 2007

R.I.P, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

We're in mourning here tonight: it's the final episode of "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip." Thanks to my brother Brian & his wife, who were taping episodes on their DVR and thus discovered that the rest of the first season would be aired, we've been watching the final seven episodes or so this week. Tonight we hope to get through what's left before the series finale airs.

It's really sad that a witty, quick, clever show like Studio 60 has to go to make room for garbage like "Age of Love" and "Wedding Crashers" or whatever the hell NBC is developing for next fall. Hopefully "Heroes" and "Friday Night Lights" will continue to receive support at NBC - two smart, sometimes funny dramas that really have good moments. "Scrubs" is good, and I know "The Office" is great (but I just can't bear the ignorant banality of the boss and Dwight -it's too painful for me), but really, there's nothing else even remotely watchable on NBC, including ER, which should have gone off life support when Dr. Green died.

Anyway, after tonight we won't have any new TV to watch for a while. Guess we'll have to go outside once in a while, huh? :-)

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