Church Stuff

30 November 2007

Bah Humbug Friday Five

WillSmama had the Friday Five at RevGals today - and I've never played a better one.

[Insert bitter pre-Advent Christmas kvetching and grumbling here.]
Please tell us your least favorite/most annoying seasonal....
1) dessert/cookie/family food
Okay, I'll admit it - I despise lutefisk and always have. I tried it several times as a kid and just never developed a taste for it. For those of you who don't know what lutefisk is, suffice it to say that it is a piece of cod that passes all human understanding.

2) beverage (seasonal beer, eggnog w/ way too much egg and not enough nog, etc...)
Yeah, eggnog. Why, again, are we drinking raw eggs mixed with milk and booze?

3) tradition (church, family, other)
My annual "Society for the Preservation of Advent" rant. Usually makes its appearance sometime about now, after which everyone will breathe a big sigh of relief and start looking forward to the Christmas Program. Grrrrr.

4) decoration
Big floppy snowmen/candycanes/Santa Claus/reindeer on people's rooftops or front lawns. Actually, most anything outside of white lights makes my inner aesthete want to urp just a little bit.

5) gift (received or given)
No particular gift here, but my least favorite thing relating to gifts is hearing how much the average person spends on Christmas gifts. Frankly, it's obscene. Beloved and I are trying to plan for future Christmas celebrations with forethought so that Ainsley understands that gifts are not the prime motivator for the celebration of Christmas. We'll see how that goes...

BONUS: SONG/CD that makes you want to tell the elves where to stick it.
Oh, where should I start? Little Drummer Boy? Up On The Rooftop? ANYTHING by Kenny G or Celine Dion? Dreck, all of it, I say! DRECK!
But, A Confession:
I do love Mannheim Steamroller, most likely because they're an Omaha product and I grew up in Nebraska. Go figure. Even the inner aesthete can't get enough of those synthesizers. Go figure...


  1. Being a Disciple, I am wondering what is lutefisk? I hear about it but have no idea what it is =)

  2. I have never had any lutefisk.

    And, that's OK.

  3. We have almost exactly the same list (including the lutefisk - I didn't even hesitate before writing that one down).

    Congrats on your new call. I'm in the same process myself and will be informing my congregation on the 9th. Hope it goes well for you.

  4. Oh, Rochelle, you should really take the link I included in my post - it'll tell you everything you ever needed to know about lutefisk. :-)

  5. Amen about the lutefisk!! Such a awful piece of food! Why anyone would eat is beyond me. I agree with Cheryl and her buttons.....Just say no to lutefisk!!

    Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Oh...I played!

  6. I'm with you on #4. Just give me the simple white lights!

    Great play!

  7. I did an entire post on lutefisk (or, in Swedish, lutfisk) some time ago.

    So no, Rev Scott, you weren't the only one to mention it.

    I had to chase it away with lefse.

  8. Good luck with #5! I've done pretty well with my kids, but it took an effort.

  9. This Christmas is going to be so incredibly special. Soak up every moment!

    Thanks for playing! Well done.

  10. man it's been awhile since i looked in on ya here... and WOW. nice advent look ya got going. love the coffee sign - might steal it.

    AND man, Celine? you're dissin Celine? Sorry dude but when she sings "O Holy Night" it's good - i mean really good - abeit a tad sappy. or maybe i'm the sap...

  11. Yes, congrats on the new call. That's great news!
