Church Stuff

05 January 2008

Back Home. Back in the Saddle. Back to Work. Back-packing. We're Back!

I do love me a good "theme" title.

After a hellaciously long day yesterday, we are back home and back to packing. Our plane departed from Eugene, OR at 5:40ish yesterday morning, so we were up at 3:30 to shower, finish packing and bundle Ainsley into the car for the ride to the airport. Thankfully, everything ran ahead of schedule yesterday - both of our flights got in early, and there was enough room on both flights for all three of us to sit together AND for Ainsley to sit in her car seat and not squirmy in our arms. Not so fortunate were my sister- and brother-in-law, whose son was, shall we say, less than happy about being on an airplane again.

Got back to Barrett late last night and we've been busy packing and handling house stuff this morning. Closing payment cash prepared - check. Copies of drivers' licenses sent to the mortgage officer - check. Final rent payment mailed to the landlord - check. More work to follow later this afternoon.

So I'm back in the blogging saddle, too: here's yesterday's Friday Five from RevGalBlogPals:
Well it had to be didn't it, love them or hate them I bet you've been asked about New Year resolutions. So with no more fuss here is this weeks Friday Five;
1. Do you make New Year resolutions?
Just the one: to be healthier this year. More running, more gym time, less mindless face-stuffing in front of the television (he said as he scarfed down lunch while blogging...).

2. Is this something you take seriously, or is it a bit of fun?
I do look at the new year as a fresh start, but let's face it: in the eternal scheme of things, our calendar is pretty meaningless. I mean, they just skipped a bunch of days converting from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian, so the resolution I make on a Tuesday isn't really going to change the world.

3. Share one goal for 2008.
21 June, Duluth, MN. Grandma's Marathon. 4:00 or less.

4. Money is no barrier, share one wild/ impossible dream for 2008.

5. Someone wants to publish a story of your year in 2008, what will the title of that book be?
The Tar Baby Syndrome: How Complicating Your Life with a Move and a Second Child Under the Age of 2 Doesn't Get You Out of the Mess of Being You. Foreword by Dr. Phil. Celebrity Endorsement by Hillary Clinton: "I was all ready to be the Leader of the Free World until Scott Johnson's life-changing book convinced me to step back, re-prioritize, and take a frigging vacation!"

AND here's a video synopsis of our time in Oregon with the whole family:


Later addendum: The mention of any particular politician is for humorous purposes only and not intended to indicate any feelings for or against any such politician. Honestly, I'm happier than a tornado in a trailer park that I'm moving to Iowa after their caucuses and before our own here in Minnesota. So don't get any funny ideas! :-)


  1. Ah - brings back memories. We saw a couple with 3 duffers last night, and shared that once upon a time we had kids the same ages (3 under 4.) What we were thinking? (We were not thinking; it was a happy/calamitous/God thing.

    Thanks for the video. Jan

  2. really... one word from you and Hillary will step down? step out? go away? hehhhhhhhh...
