Church Stuff

10 January 2008

Moving In

I'm sitting in a hotel room in my new hometown, waiting for Beloved and Child and Mother-In-Law to arrive so we can go off to our new house, do the final inspection and sign the papers. At which point I'll be a homeowner. Gulp. Kind of intimidating for a guy who once thought he was going to wind up homeless if he couldn't figure out how to do this whole "responsible member of society" bit better.

I've got a couple of blog posts in the works, but in a remarkable sign of intelligence and maturity, I've spent the last hour working on my sermon for Sunday morning instead of blogging. Though this might jeopardize my membership in the "Stop Screwing Around On Facebook and Get Back To Your Sermonating!" group, I'm pretty pleased with what I've gotten done.

Hope everyone has had a good week - I'll tell you about the move and post pics of the new house as soon as we find the computer. And a phone jack. And get signed up for internet access. And the kid goes to sleep. Yeah, I'll be back sometime in February, I think. :-)



  1. Congrats on the new house! Can't wait to see it.

  2. Belatedly--hope all the move-in parts have gone smoothly!
