Church Stuff

26 April 2008

Sulking on Saturday

It's been a heckuva week since last I posted. I neglected to mention on Friday's post that two technological items without which I would not want to live are the wet/dry vacuum and the dehumidifier. I mention this because we've had the two of them going non-stop since our basement flooded sometime Thursday. Yup: new carpet, new pad, all kinds of stuff soaked because yours truly was an idiot and forgot to plug the sump pump back in after fishing out a drill bit that Beloved accidentally dropped into the sump pit. Not my best moment. So, instead of spending Thursday afternoon writing the sermon and prepping for tomorrow morning, we spent it hauling wet carpet pads out of the basement and hitting all our cement floors and such with the wet/dry vacuum. That means I spent Friday getting ready for this morning's Senior Retreat (including a session at 8:00 PM last night) and the sermon is woefully not done.

But I can't write right now. It's just not coming. So, I'm going to veg in front of the television and go to bed, to rise early and knock out a Sunday Special. We'll see how it goes.

Because I spent last night working at the office, I also spent last night fretting about this morning's retreat (for no good reason, as it happens - the retreat went very well) and thus my idiot brain refused to shut down until well after midnight.

AND we didn't get a morning paper. Grrrrrr.

In addition, due to said Senior Retreat, a very pregnant wife and a very demanding child, and the love I bear for all of them, I didn't get my 10 miler in today. That got bumped to tomorrow afternoon. But I DID mow the lawn - at least, the part people see when they drive past our house.

Thus endeth the sulking. Good night.

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