Church Stuff

14 August 2008

By Comparison, I'm The Laziest Pastor EVER

My head is swimming trying to get back into the swing of full time ministry after three weeks of paternity leave. Seriously, just catching up on mail, email and getting an individual email to all our incoming students is taking up every last bit of mental capacity I've got. Thank heaven I don't have to preach this Sunday!

So, as I'm doing this, I checked in with my blogroll today and found that Real Live Preacher is basically kicking my ass in the "Pastoral Aspirations" department. He's hosting a Real Live Discussion on Hell. You know, the kind of light, frivolous blogging we've come to expect, right?

Hell. Discussion and all. With ground rules and exegesis required. Just reading the few comments on his website took me nearly fifteen minutes. Gordon, I salute you, brother: go on with your bad self!

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