Church Stuff

05 May 2011

My Birthday Wish

This was supposed to post first thing this morning, but before I could finish it, I had to take our 13 year-old cat Ike to the emergency vet clinic.  I didn't get back until 2AM, and my Beloved let me sleep in, so I'm just now getting started on my day.  Ike is okay - damaged nerves and broken ribs from what was likely a fall somewhere (we didn't see it happen).  Anyway, here's the post that was halfway finished before evening prayer last night.

I'm 37 today.  Huzzah!  And I've got a birthday wish.  I'm borrowing it from Nadia Bolz-Weber, pastor of House for All Saints and Sinners in Denver, CO.  Last year she asked for her FB friends, blog followers and twitter friends to give to her small church in honor of her birthday.  If memory serves, they raised over $1,000 for HFASS.  While I'd be thrilled if you could do that, I'm setting a slightly lower bar:  $370 to Lutheran Campus Ministry at Iowa State University, or $10 for every year God has inflicted upon you all by keeping my heart beating.

 We are working on a PayPal button for our website, but it's not quite ready yet.  So this will be a bit harder than "click and donate."  You can send any gift to

University Lutheran Center
2126 Gable Lane
Ames, IA  50014

Make any checks payable to "University Lutheran Center" with "Pastor Scott's birthday gift" in the memo line.  If you like, you can send an email to pj[dot]ulc[dot]isu[AT]gmail[dot]com letting me know you've sent a gift and I'll keep a running tally in the comments section for the next few days. 

Most of you know campus ministry is very dear to my heart.  I got an early present last night when a group of 12 drove to Village Inn for pie and coffee after evening prayer.  Watching our students enjoy each other's company during a stressful finals week was a great gift.  Any support you give to any campus ministry is worth more than its weight in gold, if you ask me - please keep all of us in your prayers, and support your local campus ministry in whatever way you're able.  Blessings to you all!

In peace,

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