Church Stuff

20 November 2012

Running Thankful

So, um, yeah, I'm still here.  Sort of.

Tonight was our Thanksgiving Worship at St. Petri.  Can I just say that I love the fact that we do this worship on Tuesday night?  For families that are traveling tomorrow, like ours, we can leave as soon as school is out and be at our destinations at a reasonable time (I should arrive back home sometime near supper, Mom).  I don't know why it never occurred to me that Tuesday night might be the better night for worship in Thanksgiving week.  Going to be my recommendation from here on out.  

That having been said, it's been a heckuva day.  This morning Beloved and I drove down to Ankeny to hear my buddy Matt give a presentation on The Table, the wonderful ministry he and others are doing through Indigo Bridge Books, Bread and Cup and Our Savior's Lutheran Church.  Had lunch with Matt at Bandana's BBQ (NOMS) then buzzed back up the interstate to Story City.  Wrote my December newsletter article, nailed down a few last-minute details for tonight's worship service, talked with church folk about church stuff, drank a Diet Dew, started planning next Sunday's Confirmation lesson (David - my favorite!), then realized it was almost 5 and I needed to make supper.  Whipped up a quick meatloaf with baked potatoes, went back to the church and re-organized the chapel from Confirmation class on Sunday night, went back home and got suited up for worship, ate supper, came back to the church, led worship, preached, locked the whole building, helped with bedtime and now I'm ready for a beer.  Whew.

I've started running again, too.  Slowly, this time - went three miles yesterday and took today off.  Will go just a couple tomorrow before running a Turkey Trot with my brother on Thursday morning back in Nebraska.  I've found a new calorie tracker and I'm hopeful that I'll be hitting 200 lbs just about the time I'm ready to run Grandma's Marathon next June, if not sooner.  We'll see.

Today feels like a good run all day long.  Heck, it's felt that way for a couple of days now.  Between cleaning up a lot of little projects yesterday on my day off, working today and all the stuff we've been doing with the church and with the girls, it's going to be good to get some down time this weekend and NOT be going 24/7.  

That having been said, I'm thankful.  In the middle of a good run, if you've hit your pace, energy level, intestinal conditions and other variables just right, you feel like you could keep that pace forever, as though you're not running so much as just being carried along.  Right now it feels that way for me, and I'm thankful.  It won't last, of course - it never does.  But it sure is nice while you're striding well.  I hope you're running  thankful, too.

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