Church Stuff

01 February 2006

Exhausted doesn't begin to describe...

I just finished teaching Confirmation not so long ago - about 20 minutes, to be exact. I'm pooped. Spent. Drained. Running on fumes. Left it all on the field. Proud.

Yup - I meant that last one, too. I LOVE teaching Confirmation. Not because it's easy - it's not. Not because I'm good at it - I'm not. Not because I have a good curriculum - I do, but that's beside the point. I love teaching Confirmation because in the draining, exhausting, pouring out of teaching I really find fulfillment. I am fulfilled by the challenge of keeping 10 12-14 year-olds engaged in God's Word for 90 minutes. I am really excited about the moment when one of them makes a connection they have not made previously. It happens almost every week - and seeing that light go off in their minds is a truly wonderful thing.

It's been a good day. I started at 7:30 with a four-mile workout on the treadmill. Ate breakfast and showered. Drove to Alexandria. Led our weekly text study, then met Kris for lunch at our favorite lunch spot. Bought pizzas for our weekly pizza lunch & a few items for home. Got other goods for the church at Target, grabbed a coffee at Caribou, then drove home (between an hour in the car and my time on the treadmill I made a serious dent in Bag of Bones today, and now I remember why I think it's one of Stephen King's best). Preached & led worship at the nursing home. Read the daily paper. Prepped for Confirmation. Taught Confirmation. Now I'm blogging. Soon as I'm done I'll close up the church, go home, have a cold beer & watch Lost with my loving wife.

It's been a good day - a full day - a blessed day. The battle has not gone to the swift today, but to the faithful; and I'm glad God has kept me faithful today.


PS: I read King's new novel Cell last night. All of it. Tried to sleep but had to finish it. I haven't felt like this about a book in months. What a great feeling. Good read, too - starts off with a bang (serious gore & mayhem within the first 1,000 words) and just keeps you hooked. Not one of his most artistic, and I definitely wish the story had explained more, but sometimes it's awesome to be left hanging, too. Highly recommended.

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