Church Stuff

02 February 2006

Remembering the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Saturday, 4 February will be the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor & theologian who was martyred by the Gestapo on 9 April 1945 at Flossenburg Concentration Camp. As you can see from the quote at the top of this blog, Bonhoeffer is an inspiration to me. Here are some links you can follow to learn more about this extraordinary man and the witness of his life.

A short online biography with a few pictures.

Speaking of Faith, a show on National Public Radio, will do a Bonhoeffer show this weekend.

Augsburg Fortress has compiled a short links site.

Martin Doblmeier made a documentary on Bonhoeffer a few years ago: here is the website for the film, which will air again on PBS on 6 February 2006.

As for me, I've broken one New Year's resolution and bought two books. The first was Stephen King's latest publication, Cell,which I allowed myself because I'm a collector. The second was A Year with Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Beginning on Monday, I'm going to read this book for my daily meditation time. It should be an interesting companion in the year ahead. I find that I'm always challenged, provoked, strengthened and nourished by Bonhoeffer; the man struggled mightily in his time and yet wrote with such profound honest and clarity about the world in which he lived! It's interesting to consider how I might be changed and challenged in the days ahead.



  1. So it's showing here at 4:00 a.m. on Feb. 7....Gotta make way for Creighton basketball...@#&*$@#$....


  2. Typical - but at least those who are interested can use their VCRs to tape the show.

